Our program operates on the free choice system, meaning you are free to choose those activities which appeal to you!
No. While we do not assign you to activities, we do require that you sign up for every activity period.
We are a “comfortable rustic.” Most children live in large platform tents with bunk beds and mattresses. There is no electricity in the tents, so flashlights come in handy! The toilets are privy style with separate stalls for privacy. The showers and sinks are outdoors in an enclosed area with plenty of hot water, but no roof!
Nope! All meals are prepared for you. We are sure you will find each meal to be truly delicious with plenty of choices to entice your taste buds and satisfy your hunger. We also have plenty of vegetarian options at each meal.
Absolutely not! We provide instruction in all of our activities from beginner through expert. If you do not know how to do one of our activities we will teach you the basics and then help you develop your skills as you progress.
No. Candy canteen will be open for yummy treats.
No. All activities and meals are co-ed but the living areas and bathroom facilities are separated to ensure privacy.
No. We believe you should “unplug” from your electronics and outside distractions to “plug into” yourself, your friendships, the outdoors and life at camp! For more details, please see our “Electronics Policy” under the Parents section.
While we do not prohibit you from bringing any of those items we do strongly suggest that you leave anything expensive or otherwise valuable at home.
Yes. Feel free to bring any personal athletic equipment. However, keep in mind that it is best to leave at home anything you cannot bear to lose.